Donald Trump objectifies France’s First Lady, Colbert responds

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Donald Trump just couldn’t help but objectify the First Lady during a visit to France, so Stephen Colbert is trying to talk some sense into the president.

For a man who needs to stay on his toes after being caught bragging about grabbing women by the [nether regions], you’d think Donald Trump would be very careful about the way he speaks to women. You’d especially expect him to really watch himself around the wives of other foreign leaders.

Unfortunately, if you had thought any of that, you’d be wrong.

It seems President Trump has made an ass out of himself once again, this time upon meeting the First Lady of France. Complete with video footage, Stephen Colbert shed light on the whole situation on last night’s Late Show. When Trump met Brigitte Macron, France’s first lady, and “treated her like any other woman — by objectifying her.”

In the clip, Trump sees Macron, and transforms into a catcalling construction worker. He practically drools over her physical appearance, lamenting nonstop about how she’s in such great “physical shape”. Honestly it’s hard not to feel bad for Macron with President Orange checking her out so much.

“Bad Donald!” Colbert exclaims, pointing his finger directly at the misbehaving president. “This is not one of your European wife-shopping trips, this is business!” he adds. The Late Show proceeds to hammer it in further to the Trumpster, hopefully driving the point home that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. But somehow, I feel like none of this will even get through to him.

You can watch the complete take down in the YouTube video below.

Next: Stephen Colbert spoofs Kellyanne Conway after Fox News spot

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