The recent murder of Philandro Castile is made even more heartbreaking after Trevor Noah revealed new dashcam footage of it on The Daily Show.
If you’re following the tragic story of Philandro Castile, chances are it may already be breaking your heart. Castile is just another story in an never-ending news cycle about innocent African Americans being gunned down by police officers. This killing might have slipped under the radar like so many others, if not for Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, broadcasting the aftermath on Facebook Live.
That footage alone is hard enough to watch. The officer apparently shot Castile several times when he was simply reaching for his ID. This left Reynolds and her four year old daughter to watch him bleed out and die right there in the car.
Unfortunately, this story gets even more sickening, as Trevor Noah pointed out on last night’s Daily Show. After the deranged officer that shit him was totally exonerated, a new dashcam video had come out, showing the horrifying murder actually happen. Forewarning: watching it is completely devastating.
In the video, the story Reynolds had claimed about the incident is proven. Castile calmly informs the officer that he has a firearm in the vehicle, believing it’d be better to admit that straight up. As he reached for his wallet and ID, Castile reiterated that he wasn’t going for the gun. But the trigger happy police officer still shot him repeatedly, an action we now know he won’t face a single disciplinary action for.
This footage is disturbing, but because of the harsh reality that it proves, it’s still important to watch. You can do so by playing the YouTube video below.
Noah goes on to mention that this video totally “broke” him. The story is truly heartbreaking enough. But seeing that shaken little girl stepping out of the car after Castile had just been murdered? It’s nothing short of being absolutely crushing.
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Like Noah, watching this footage made me totally sick. Something has to change — how much more will it take?
Tune in to The Daily Show weeknights on Comedy Central at 11/10c.