Stephen Colbert mockery of Melania Trump results in boycott

ByJeremy Dick|
Credit: CBS
Credit: CBS

After Stephen Colbert had a Melania Trump impersonator on The Late Show, some of those who were offended began a #BoycottColbert campaign.

I guess poking fun at the First Lady is just crossing the line for some people.

Last week, Stephen Colbert had a very special guest joining him “via satellite” on The Late Show: Melania Trump! The faux interview plays up on Melania’s recent move to the White House, hinting that she’s unhappy to be living with Donald again. But ultimately she defends her husband, such as claiming the footage of her slapping his hand away was simply Melania swatting a mosquito.

If you missed the segment before and want to see it for yourself (or just to refresh your memory), you can do so by watching the YouTube video below.

We don’t blame you if you thought it was really her.

Of course, the woman in the footage isn’t really Melania Trump. It’s her dead ringer impersonator, Laura Benanti. Benanti has actually made multiple appearances on the show, such as poking fun at the plagiarized Michelle Obama speech. But by the end of this new appearance, many Trump supporters began calling for a boycott of Colbert’s show.

According to The Inquisitr, many outraged people started a #BoycottColbert campaign in the wake of the new sketch. It’s not unlike the #FireColbert campaign which occurred a short while back, after Colbert joked about Trump and Vladimir Putin having a sexual relationship. And it’ll probably have the same outcome, which is to say Colbert will stay right where he’s at — there’s no legitimate reason to take him off TV.

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I wouldn’t worry about Colbert. This effort to boycott his show is honestly more pathetic than the last one attempted. But the good news there is that means it should go away faster.

Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST.