Sarah Silverman told Ivanka Trump to stand up for women


On a new episode of Chelsea, Sarah Silverman reveals that she personally sent Ivanka Trump a DM on Twitter telling her to make a stand for women’s rights.

If somebody is following you on Twitter, then surely they’d look at a direct message you’d send straight to them. Right?

That’s what Sarah Silverman was thinking when she noticed Ivanka Trump in her Twitter followers. In a new interview with Chelsea Handler, Silverman reveals that she used this an opportunity to speak to Ivanka. But this wasn’t to have a chat about sports or the weather — Silverman chose to say what was really on her mind.

In the interview, the subject of Ivanka Trump comes up. It’s noted that she is essentially in charge of women’s rights, an issue which gets her lots of criticism due to a lack of progress. Playing the devil’s advocate, Handler wonders if Ivanka is just a powerless puppet in the administration, asking Silverman for her input.

After commenting about how the whole situation has her feeling “dead inside”, Silverman talks about seeing Ivanka following her on Twitter. So Silverman says in a direct message to her, “This is your chance, you are writing your life story here.” Unfortunately, Silverman doesn’t reveal if Ivanka responded. But that remark about feeling dead inside implies that the DM didn’t have an effect.

You can watch Silverman tell the story in the YouTube video below.

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You can watch this and other episodes of Handler’s series Chelsea on Netflix. New episodes of the show premiere weekly on Fridays.