While Better Call Saul is an entirely separate show compared to Breaking Bad, it shares many of the same characters, including these 14 so far.
This slideshow contains potential SPOILERS if you aren’t completely caught up on the show.
14. Saul Goodman
Now nearing the end of its third season on AMC, Better Call Saul has shown many characters from its parent series Breaking Bad. Some of these have been minor cameos. Others have had major roles in this spin-off. It’s really clever how the writers manage to work these familiar faces into the story in creative but believable ways. Saul does offer its own compelling new characters, but these nods to the original series are cool little easter eggs for the fans.
Before we get on with the rest, we’ll just go ahead and cross Saul Goodman himself off the list. The show centers around him, so that one is obvious to anyone who hasn’t even seen the series. Jimmy McGill’s progression into “Saul Goodman” has been very interesting to watch, but that’s not what this list is about. We’re going to instead focus on the other characters from Breaking Bad to show up on Better Call Saul, such as…