President Donald Trump’s early-morning angry-tweeting had Trevor Noah cracking up with laughter uncontrollably on last night’s Daily Show.
On yesterday’s The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Noah once again took aim at Donald Trump. The Daily Show host lamented the fact that despite all of the major scandals going on in other countries, nobody’s really knows about it. Instead, our focus is always on Trump, who’s constantly generating plenty of scandals of his own. This serves as the basis for the Daily Show segment “Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That”.
Noah talks about a recent incident with the Turkish president visiting Trump at the White House. Peaceful protesters nearby were apparently beaten up by Turkish guards, which is a very scary thing for Noah. “Beating up Americans?” he laments. “In any other news cycle, this would be the news story we’d all be talking about.”
Still, despite this and other controversies going on in the world, Noah points out that the focus has to stick with the big story of the week. That, of course, relates to the breaking news of special counsel being appointed to lead the probe into Trump’s alleged Russian ties. Former FBI Director Bob Mueller, whom practically has unanimous support from Democrats and Republicans, will now be the one in charge. In other words, if Trump is guilty, this could be very bad news for the president.
Shockingly, the White House released a calm and reasonable statement addressing the concern. But it’s suspiciously too collected that it obviously wasn’t actually written by Trump. For that, Noah says, you have to wait until the morning — when the president tweets.
Noah then plays a clip of a news anchor saying, “The president is awake, he seems angry, and he is tweeting this morning. Gone is the relatively measured statement from last night,” and that statement alone has Noah doubling over with laughter. It’s hard not to laugh along with him, and you can do so by watching the entire segment below.
It’s amazing Trump hasn’t yet learned to just stop tweeting. But the silver lining is that it’s sometimes hilarious.