Stephen Colbert’s parody persona based on Alex Jones returned to The Late Show to wage war on Chobani yogurt.
The Late Show host Stephen Colbert has been having a lot of fun at the expense of Alex Jones. The Infowars host’s outing as a “performance artist” in his current custody trial has been giving Colbert lots of great material. It inspired Colbert to create Tuck Buckford, a spot-on spoof of Jones that is now regularly appearing on the show.
On last night’s The Late Show, Colbert brought up how the custody battle isn’t the only trial Jones is dealing with. The Chobani yogurt company is suing him based on comments he made about the yogurt causing “crime and tuberculosis”. Colbert jokes that this lawsuit reminds him of a similar situation his alter-ego Tuck Buckford dealt with before showing the new parody sketch.
In the newest episode of “Brain Fight with Tuck Buckford”, Tuck begins by bragging about kissing ladies and showing off his Snoopy drawing skills. He goes from there into talking about George Soros, with that tangent evovling into a rant about yogurt. Buckford jokes that Soros doesn’t want us to know that yogurt is a “natural protein-rich gamma ray shield to keep the Clinton Foundation from reading your dreams.”
Things only get messier from there. To prevent the Democrats from getting inside his head, Buckford rubs yogurt onto his head. It’s a hilarious video and you can watch the entire segment below.
Tuck Buckford is quickly becoming one of the best segments on late night television. Let’s keep the parodies coming.