Stephen Colbert has been spoofing Alex Jones with a new character called Tuck Buckford, and Jones spoke about the parody in his court testimony.
Ask and ye shall receive? Apparently so. Right after Stephen Colbert’s very first segment featuring Tuck Buckford, his spoof of Alex Jones, fans were demanding more. Each Tuck segment presented so far has been nothing short of hysterical, and Colbert has essentially struck gold with a new character.
For his part, Alex Jones has been mostly silent about the parodies. That is, until now. On last night’s Late Show, Colbert revealed to his audience that Jones actually brought up the parodies in his own court testimony.
To catch you up to speed real quick, Jones is in a legal custody battle with his ex-wife over their children. The former Mrs. is showing the court footage of Infowars to prove that Jones is mentally unstable, not fit to care for children. In his defense, Jones and his lawyer argue that he’s merely playing a character, that he’s a “performance artist”.
Colbert says that, reportedly, Jones took to the stand to back this up, even bringing up the Colbert parodies. Jones says how Colbert uses the Tuck Buckford character to make fun of him, but Colbert isn’t taking that character home to his family. He is basically admitting that the Alex Jones you see from Infowars is no more real than the parody Colbert created to make fun of it.
That’s certainly funny enough, but Colbert had to follow up with yet another parody. You can watch the entire segment below.
In the video above, Colbert mocks Jones for his comments about smoking pot once a year “like law enforcement” does, and eating zebra steaks. I swear, these things are only getting funnier and funnier with each one. Keep ’em coming, Colbert!