Conan debuted an absolutely hysterical new skit on his show featuring President Trump talking to Barack Obama about bombing Syria and Afghanistan.
Donald Trump makes excellent fodder for all of the late night TV hosts. We all knew that going in. It would be highly unusual they weren’t talking about him. Love him or hate him, he’s an easy person to satirize, and the jokes are going to continue for at least four years.
One of the best running gags at the expense of the leader of the nation is on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show. These skits feature current president Donald Trump making phone calls to previous president Barack Obama. Using voice impersonators, the calls almost sound real, and they’re bound to make the president furious.
The newest addition to the segments, which aired last night on Conan, is the funniest yet. Lately, Trump has been getting some flak for his recent bombing orders in the middle east. So in the skit, “Trump” calls “Obama” to essentially brag about all of the bombs he’s been dropping. The conversation winds up with Obama telling off the president, telling him he can’t control his temper or his bowels.
You can watch the entire hilarious segment in the YouTube video below.
So far, President Trump has not sent out any tweets about the phone calls on Conan. But if the TBS star continues to run these skits, then it’s probably just a matter of time. Either way, I don’t want O’Brien to stop making these anytime soon.