Stephen Colbert trolls Rex Tillerson over using a fake name

Credit: CBS
Credit: CBS

Stephen Colbert went hard in the  paint to troll Rex Tillerson over using a fake name while trying to explain his anti-global warming science.

It seems that there is no shortage of late night fodder for hosts like Stephen Colbert to dig into when it comes to the Trump administration. On a night where his tax returns were finally (kind of) revealed, Colbert went the route of continuing to skewer those that Trump has surrounded himself with.

Boats rise with the tides, and sink with the trolls. That’s the method to Colbert’s madness — a method that has gotten him the top spot in the late night ratings race.

On Tuesday night’s show, Colbert trolled Rex Tillerson over a recent email scandal that dates back to his days as head of Exxon Mobile.

If you haven’t heard by now, Attorney General Rex Tillerson used an alias in emails to his Exxon executives to try and explain the science behind climate change. That alias as Wayne Tracker. The jokes basically write themselves, but Colbert was able to mold it into something else.

“Wayne Tracker, which sounds less like a made up cowboy name than Rex Tillerson,” Colbert trolled.

From here, Colbert brought out a faux-novel about Tracker’s days in the old west, written by what he called Tillerson’s other pseudonym Felix Drillerson.

Check out Colbert’s monologue below, with the Tillerson bit beginning just before the 3:30 mark:

This isn’t the most inspired bit but it’s charming — and that’s important. Colbert has gone from a guy that we were thinking about replacements for a year ago, to the leading late night host on television. He still has a fight ahead of him to fully get past Jimmy Fallon, but charming bits like this that stray from attacking Trump supporters while still pointing out how insane the current climate is, seems to be a happy medium.

Catch Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35pm ET on CBS.