Saturday Night Live: 10 Walking Dead Actors We Want to see Host

Image courtesy of AMC
Image courtesy of AMC
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8. Steven Yeun

Another cast member who is, unfortunately, not on the show any longer is Steven Yeun. He played Glenn on the show for the last seven years and was incredible. But not only that, he was the comedic relief that very dark show needed.

So why wouldn’t he make a great host for Saturday Night Live? So many times the show picks the lead actor of something to do the show. And we’ve learned time and time again that that may not be the best option.

For instance, Felicity Jones, who is very talented and sweet, was very nervous and didn’t do the best job hosting. Maybe because that isn’t exactly her forte. But if they had gotten someone like Alan Tudyk or Diego Luna, they would have probably had a better overall show.

So Steven, who is not the lead of The Walking Dead would make a great host and he’s already proven he is funny time and time again. And fans love him. With the news that Glenn died, everyone fought against it. Mainly because of Steven.

He is a great actor and would destroy as host. Now it’s just up to Lorne Michaels and company to give him a chance.