30 Times Samantha Bee Destroyed Donald Trump

Credit: Full Frontal/TBS
Credit: Full Frontal/TBS /
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9. When Bee compared voting for Trump to voting for a cat. Kinda.

I hate this video segment for a few reasons. First, I feel like we not only disappointed the entire country but we also disappointed Sam Bee, and what did she done to deserve that? Also, this video just brings back some really shitty memories of election night that I’d rather not think about. But mostly because WE COULD’VE HAD IT ALL. Yes, I am absolutely quoting Adele’s lyrics in my head right now and if you don’t feel like that song accurately describes the politics of this country right now than something is wrong with you, my friend.

But really, this clip gives me actual goosebumps and not just because Bee basically compares voting for Trump to voting for her office cat (who still probably has better picks for supreme court than Trump).

If we get this right, our grandkids will be able to pass AP American History without knowing who Donald Trump is. If we don’t, they’ll be able to pass Trump studies without knowing what America once was.”  Only Bee can get me to laugh and cry in the same sentence when talking about Donald Trump. Usually it’s me just sobbing.