30 Times Samantha Bee Destroyed Donald Trump

Credit: Full Frontal/TBS
Credit: Full Frontal/TBS /
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12. When Bee simply called Trump a liar.

One of the major questions being debated in our country today is whether it’s okay for the president to lie his f*cking face off 24 hours a day.

Hey Donald Trump, I think Sam Bee just called you a big fat liar! And she ain’t wrong. He’s been caught saying countless lies in front of the press, especially when it  comes to his inauguration and the crowd numbers and how many people voted illegally. So where does he get off with the right to stand up as our president and spit out theories like this!? Well, his staff and supporters aren’t quite sure that these are all theories. This segment proves that, and makes me fear for the future of this country.

Bee drops a truth bomb. “For the record, massive voter fraud is a lie.” It is!?! Then why is this still an issue and still being talked about by our president every time he has a press conference? She covers where this 3 million illegal votes number comes from, and that would be a study that was widely rebutted by like, everyone.

His big lies are like his buildings. He doesn’t build them. He just slaps his brand on them and tricks the press into promoting them for free.” But if the crooked press is promoting his lies, wouldn’t that be fake news?