30 Times Samantha Bee Destroyed Donald Trump

Credit: Full Frontal/TBS
Credit: Full Frontal/TBS /
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17. When Bee had to clarify immigrants vs. refugees for Trump.

Trump isn’t slamming the door on asylum seekers to keep us safe. He’s doing it because he said he would.

My favorite Sam Bee clips are the clips in which she basically takes 5 minutes out of her show to just slam Donald Trump into the ground about one specific issue. This clip is one of those times, and it’s specifically focusing on the difference between immigrants and refugees, which Trump seems to not understand still.

Bee explains it simply for him. “Immigrants are people who leave their country hoping for a better life. Refugees are people who flee their country hoping to stay alive.” So how is this refugee ban at all constitutional? These are people whose countries are at war, people who face danger and death every single day. They just want a place to feel safe, not a place to cause problems. Like Bee shows in the clip, the chances of being killed by a refugee are 1 in 3.64 billion per year. There’s more of a chance that I’ll begin to respect Trump during his presidency… And we all know that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

This refugee ban is immoral, embarrassing, and inhuman,” Bee ends the segment, and we couldn’t agree more.