30 Times Samantha Bee Destroyed Donald Trump

Credit: Full Frontal/TBS
Credit: Full Frontal/TBS
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A Donald Trump presidency is harder than we expected. Thankfully, we have Full Frontal with Samantha Bee to help us get through it. Here are 30 times she gleefully destroyed him.

We have a new Queen Bee in town and she’s not the one pregnant with twins. That’s right, I’m talking about the one and only talk show host goddess Samantha Bee from Full Frontal. This satirical talk show on TBS has already topped the charts this year for the #1 spot for late night TV and it’s easy to see why. Her segments have been heavily weighted against Donald Trump over the past few months and viewers are absolutely loving it.

Her first season aired in February of 2016 and became a favorite for people who just want some honest news with a side of humor. This second season is no different but her commentary throughout Trump’s campaign, his election, his inauguration, and now his presidency can’t go unnoticed. Like she says, she plans to “shut down the sh*t” and “hold everyone accountable.”

And she’s doing it all while rocking a f*cking blazer, so help her Beyoncé.

Although entertaining and emotionally satisfying, it’s tiring to troll through YouTube and watch every single Samantha Bee clip that’s ever aired on Donald Trump. But here at Last Night On, we believe everyone should feel that gratification you get when you score a segment where Bee completely pummels Trump into the ground. So, we’re making it easy for you! We’re bring you our favorite 30 clips where Samantha Bee just destroys Donald Trump.

Trust us, for your own sanity, you won’t want to miss this.