25 of the Best Political Impersonations on Saturday Night Live

Credit: SNL/NBC
Credit: SNL/NBC
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2. Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer

This is a newer impersonation but it was instantly a classic. And one that we definitely hope comes back more and more as the show continues on this season. For those who have been living under a rock, Sean Spicer is the press secretary for Donald Trump.

He is the one responsible for the lies and the dawning of “alternative facts”. Spicer gave us so much and Melissa McCarthy took it and ran. Everything about this sketch was perfect. She got every detail about this man down to even his hatred of Glen and made sure to do her best. And she did.

The thing about this whole thing is that the Trump administration has a problem with the fact that Spicer was portrayed by a woman. Not that he is depicted as running a podium into reporters. But a woman in drag playing him was too much for our president.

While that is insane on its own, the entire sketch show Sean Spicer in a light that they simply said needed pulled back a little bit. A little. But the fact that Melissa McCarthy came out in this sketch and did not break once in the entire time. Especially when she was ramming that podium into reporter after reporter.