Saturday Night Live is known for their sketch comedy and their political take on American politics. So we’re looking at the best of the impersonations!
Saturday Night Live is known for their political humor. From Weekend Update to their sketches, the politics of the show is what a lot of the reason people tune in. So when it comes to their impressions of our political leaders, it is pretty important.
And we’ve seen some incredible ones over the years. The problem is, there are so many that it is just hard to even start. Where do we even begin to look at? Some presidents have three different cast members portraying them and some are only featured in one sketch or Weekend Update.
So we’re going to try and pick the best of all the political impersonations that have ever existed on Saturday Night Live. Out of the best 25, we’ll have some multiples and some we may have missed but there are just so many options for us to look at!
I mean, hey we have two amazing Hillary Clinton impressions and that’s just the beginning (especially when it comes to Kate McKinnon and her wide arrange of political personas). So taking a look at the Hillarys and the Bills, the Trumps, Rubios, and every other president under the sun, we’re going take a look at them all. Starting with the current best: Kate McKinnon as the first woman to ever win the popular vote in our nation’s history, Hillary Clinton!