30 most shocking late night scandals

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10. Johnny Carson was not a big fan of frequent guest Bob Hope

It might surprise those familiar with the Johnny Carson era of The Tonight Show that Carson wasn’t too fond of Bob Hope. A very famous comedian, Hope would appear on Johnny’s show constantly. On the air, everything was kept professional, and you wouldn’t have guessed there were any issues. But behind the scenes, Carson was apparently not Hope’s biggest fan.

In recent years, Carson’s staff have revealed his true thoughts on Hope. Carson was annoyed at how Hope would essentially book himself so consistently on the show. Hope would also rely heavily on scripted answers to Carson’s questions, making their conversations feel not very genuine. Carson supposedly told one of his staffers to shoot him if ever ended up like that.

One particular event which really annoyed Carson was Hope straight up stealing his audience’s laughter. When Hope was visiting the show, Carson managed

to get a fantastic response after a great monologue. During the break, Hope asked Carson if he could use some of that laugher for his comedy special— weird, but Carson said OK. Later, Carson would claim to actually hear Ed McMahon laughing at Hope’s jokes on Hope’s comedy special.