Seth Meyers grills Kellyanne Conway on Late Night (Video)

Credit: NBC
Credit: NBC

Donald Trump’s spin doctor Kellyanne Conway was grilled by Seth Meyers over about allegations of Russian hacking.

Seth Meyers might have banned president-elect Donald Trump from appearing on his show, but that hasn’t stopped him from getting close. Meyers welcomed Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway onto Late Night on Tuesday and things heated up quick.

There’s this idea that Kellyanne is sick of talking about Trump and cleaning up after every time he burps up all over himself. That might be true but it hasn’t stopped her from spinning everyone around so hard that the bizarro world of Trump makes a little sense.

Meyers tried to punch through that on Tuesday, something he’s been attempting to do with his “Closer Look” segments on Late Night. While Kellyanne was on the show, it broke that U.S. intelligence had leaked information to the press that they briefed the Oval Office on information concerning Russian hackers having compromising information on Trump.

“As an American citizen,” Conway said, tying to spin the conversation, “we should be concerned that intelligence officials leaked [this report] to the press.”

This prompted Meyers to jab that the reports were about the president and president-elect being briefed on the matter. When Conway quipped that Trump had told her that he had no recollection of that happened, Meyers’ response was more genuine than jokey.

“That concerns me,” Meyers replied — channeling all of our similar feelings.

You can watch the full clip below:

This is the closest that Meyers has come to letting Trump on his show. While other late night hosts were joking about Trump’s campaign over the summer, Meyers banned the small handed Republican from his show.

must read: 30 Best Late Night Jokes about Donald Trump

Nothing seems to have changed, and Meyers continues to be a voice we need in late night as we enter the Donald Trump era in American history.