Donald Trump — 45th President of the United States — has responded to getting publicly eviscerated by the most decorated actress of our lifetime.
Meryl Streep turned her Cecil B. DeMille Award speech at the Golden Globes on Sunday into a dressing down of our next president. In a speech that has polarized social media, Streep attacked President-elect Trump for his hateful, fear-mongering tactics that helped get him elected back in November.
Needless to say, Trump wasted no time in all in giving what has become a mailed-in reposes of outrage to anyone who looks at him sideways.
Trump responded to the speech in a phone interview with the New York Times, calling Streep a ‘Hillary lover’ and attacked liberal Hollywood for being out of touch.
"Mr. Trump, in a brief telephone interview, said he had not seen Ms. Streep’s remarks or other parts of the Globes ceremony, which were broadcast on NBC, but added that he was “not surprised” that he had come under attack from “liberal movie people.”"
The out-of-touch angle isn’t a new one; in fact it’s one that to a larger extent helped Trump get elected. Already, in the hours since Streep’s polarizing speech, the narrative of Hollywood being out of touch with the rest of America has been tapped back into.
Meghan McCain attacked Streep, saying her speech is why Trump won the election. Other trolls on Twitter — some the subject of Wale diss tracks — said they would have a response to Streep after the bath salts wore off.
But the overarching narrative that Hollywood is out of touch with the rest of America is one that was hammered home tonight. Streep very much gave a you’re either with the good guys or against them speech, and it’s not sitting well with everyone.
The night was about celebrating diversity and artistic expression, but we’ve hardly heard the last of what will go down as one of the most memorable award speeches ever.