3. Carl watches a dude get his face burned with a hot iron
During his master tour of the Sanctuary, Negan introduces Carl to his numerous wives. Negan confronts one of his wives, Amber, about a rumor he heard. Apparently she had snuck off to hook up with her previous lover, Mark— one of the Saviors. She begs for forgiveness, which he claims to give to her.
But the situation isn’t over. Negan later informs Carl that the “iron is ready”. An event is taking place involving Mark, the man who slept with Negan’s “wife”. He is to be punished for this crime. So, like Dwight, he is to have a hot iron used to burn an entire half of his face off. And Amber is going to have to see it too.
Everyone has to watch as the process takes place. Mark screams with pain as Negan presses the iron on his face, eventually passing out. Negan has a doctor tend to the wound afterwards, before delving into a speech about the rules. Mark’s disfigurement, like Dwight’s, will be a daily reminder for everyone not to ever break the rules. Negan claims that he never wants to have to do that again, though that’s certainly hard to believe as he seems to enjoy it.