3. The Saviors troll the Hilltop with a car stereo system
During the night, Sasha and Maggie notice several fires within the Hilltop’s walls. They also see that the fence is wide open, and a car has rolled in. The vehicle is blaring loud obnoxious music, drawing in walkers, but hey— at least it isn’t playing “Easy Street”.
Sasha springs into action and rushes to the car. She finds that it’s been modified and made inaccessible. Freaking out, she tries desperately to get in, but also has to deal with the incoming walkers. Coming to her aid is Jesus, and the two of them dispatch all of the zombies working their way in. They hold their own against the dead ones, watching one another’s backs and thwarting the undead threat.
But there’s still the problem of the loud music in the car. Fortunately, Maggie has an idea. She commandeers a nearby tractor and kicks it into gear. Maggie rolls over the car to severely damage it, giving it another go to completely destroy it. It works, and the music stops as the fences are closed once again. Perhaps this wouldn’t have gone down so well if Maggie and Sasha were not there to assist them.