1. John Oliver wants to make Donald ‘Drumpf’ again
Speaking of Donald Trump, here’s more about the presidential hopeful. As a serious contender to become the next President of the United States, we need to take a really good look at him. Is this really somebody American want to see running their country?
When John Oliver dedicates an episode of Last Week Tonight to Donald Trump, he completely tears the Republican nominee apart. For starters, Oliver mentions how Politifact checked 77 statements from Trump to fact check. 76 of them were “varying degrees of false”. In other words, virtually nothing the guy says is true.
Oliver also gets into Trump’s many failed business ventures. The guy has so many bankruptcies it’s laughable, yet he brags about how he’s a great businessman. He’s a proven liar and failure, but for some reason, he gets by on the brand recognition of his name. Some of his supporters just hear the name “Trump” and they rally behind him.
But looking closer into the name itself, Oliver discovers something amusing. His family name was originally the much less catchy “Drumpf”. An ancestor of his had changed it, and Oliver thought this was a travesty. So, he sets out on a mission to “make Donald ‘Drumpf’ again”.
That’s when Oliver unveils his massive campaign to do just that. An official website is launched where supporters can purchase hats branding the slogan. They can even be found in the same style as Trump’s signature red hats with white lettering.
And it seems to be a success. The Youtube video has reached nearly 30 million views, and more people are becoming aware of the “Drumpf” surname. You may also notice many more people referring to him by that name. It looks like the name is sticking… much to the chagrin of ol’ Donald Drumpf himself.