20. Taking down the broken electoral system
This election season has been brutal. While Bernie Sanders would end up losing to Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination, her win was tainted by the controversy over superdelegates. For example, when Sanders beat Clinton in Wisconsin, he won the popular vote with 56% to 44%. And yet, Clinton walked away with 11 delegates to Bernie’s 7.
If that seems fishy to you, you’re not the only one. But it’s not just the Democrats. Donald Trump dealt with a similar situation with Ted Cruz, and saw this as a sign of the system being “rigged”. But Trump’s disapproval of the way the superdelegate system works is one of the more sane things he has ever said.
As John Oliver said on Last Week Tonight, “There is no cleaner piece of evidence that our system is broken, no more thoroughly dead canary in the coal mine, than when Donald Trump is actually making sense.” Truer words have never been spoken.
The American primary and caucus system is horribly flawed, but it’s too late to change things for this particular election. But perhaps if enough of us politely email the heads of each party next year, we might actually see some changes.
Next: 19. Debt Buyers