Fill the Game of Thrones void with these epic late night moments (Video)

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8. Ramasy and Theon Kiss and Make Up

Show: Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Year: 2016

One of the most heated rivalries — as one sided as it was — on Game of Thrones was that between  Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Bolton. It was brutal to watch Theon get literally castrated by Ramsay over the course of a very long time before forcing him to be his slave.

The actors who play those characters aren’t really feuding in real life. In fact, Jimmy Kimmel went so far as to have the two kiss and make up on his show earlier this year. To the credit of both Alfie Allen and Iwan Rheon, they proved that the bad blood didn’t extend beyond the show.

7. Kit Harington Is Bad At Keeping Jon Snow Secrets

Show: Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
Year: 2015

While he was mostly silent for most of the show’s run, Kit Harington busts out the charm when he needs to. This isn’t only true of his late night appearances, like we’ve seen him do more of recently.  Harrington sometimes lets his charm get him out of things like getting a ticket.

The Game of Thrones actor told a story to Jimmy Fallon in 2015 that he used Game of Thrones spoilers as leverage to get out of being given a traffic ticket. That’s not the kind of nobility that Jon Snow would approve of.

Next: 6. Tyrion and Cersei play Overwatch