5. Trump always wanted to get the Purple Heart
One particularly interesting incident in Trump’s campaign came when he announced that he had just received a Purple Heart. This is an award soldiers receive to recognize the sacrifices they gave fighting for the country, and it is a very prestigious honor. So how the heck did Trump get one?
Behind a podium, Trump told the story about how a veteran approached him and personally gave him his own Purple Heart award. Trump gleefully accepted it, and basically belittled everything that it stood for. “I always wanted to get a Purple Heart,” Trump would say, joking that receiving one this way was “much easier”.
Considering Trump’s history of avoiding going to war himself, the situation seemed ludicrous. If anything, he should be one of the most undeserving people to own a Purple Heart. Stephen Colbert would poke fun at this on The Late Show, showing the clip of Trump’s speech about the Purple Heart, and following it up with this response:
“He always wanted the award you get for being wounded in battle. He just never had the opportunity. Man, he must kick himself over those five deferments he requested from the Viet Nam draft.”
Next: 4. Trump's history with women