25. Stewart schools Hannity over Obama’s latte salute
On an episode of The Daily Show in 2014, the issue had come up over a peculiar way President Obama had saluted members of the Marines, which wasn’t sitting well at all with conservatives. Apparently, when the president was saluted after stepping off the Marine One, he saluted back with a cup of coffee in his raised hand. This wound up creating a storm of political controversy.
Jon Stewart presented a series of clips from Fox News with various Republican personalities talking about how disrespectful Obama was, for apparently not being bothered enough to put the coffee down before offering his return salute. This even included Sean Hannity asking the question, “Would President Bush ever salute the troops with a cup of coffee in his hand?”
Stewart answered that question by showing a photograph of Bush cradling a dog while offering a salute at the same time, making Obama’s situation not so unique after all. Here’s how Stewart answered Hannity’s hypthetical question:
“They forgot to answer the question, ‘Would President Bush ever salute the troops with a cup of coffee in his hand?’ And the answer is no. Because his hands were too filled with dog.”
Next: 24. Sarah Palin is a 'Petty Woman'