10. Stewart returns to The Daily Show to blast Congress
Just because Jon Stewart stepped down as the host of The Daily Show, that doesn’t mean we’ll never see him on the program again. The door is always open for him to return whenever he has something on his chest, and the audience of The Daily Show certainly doesn’t mind. So the new host, Trevor Noah, welcomed Stewart to the desk when he randomly showed up in late 2015.
Stewart has long been advocating for the first responders of the 9/11 tragedy, especially when it comes to their healthcare. So many years later, many of these brave men and women are suffering very adverse health effects from their efforts on that fateful day, and it seems like the government has forgotten about them. That’s not good enough for Stewart.
On the program, Stewart aired footage of himself attempting to meet directly with members of Congress. At first, people seemed interested to talk to him, until it was realized why he was there (to demand ill first responders be taken care of). Then, it was impossible to talk with anybody. Here’s how Stewart phrased the evasiveness of the Senators:
“Very rarely to the people appear. They’re like in many ways meerkats, or prairie dogs. They lift their heads up, but if they sense danger, something coming with information they don’t like, BOOM, right back into the hole.”
Next: 9. Bush vs. Bush