Every Saturday Night Live sports host, ranked

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1. Walter Payton and Joe Montana

This pair co-hosted SNL in 1987 to the joy of viewers everywhere. It’s tough to beat out Peyton Manning, but the combination of Montana and Payton was gut-bustingly hilarious. The sketch “Sincere Guy Stu” is one of the highest rated and funniest sketches of all time. Joe Montana is the lovingly aloof, always perfectly sincere roommate of a guy trying to hook up with a girl. It takes a while to get to the punch line, but it’s one of the best build-up jokes SNL has ever done.

The soft-spoken Walter Payton isn’t a slouch either, especially when he appeared in a sketch with Jon Lovitz about a man who cannot stop lying. The two talk about playing with broken ribs and posing for the Heisman trophy.

Payton is remarkably quick with his words for someone who was typically so quiet. Montana set the standard for sports personalities being funny on SNL. Payton solidified that standard.

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