Every Saturday Night Live sports host, ranked

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8. Jonny Moseley

Prolific U.S. skier Jonny Moseley is one of those people who was born for the spotlight. After a controversial 4th place finish in the 2002 Olympics, Moseley hosted SNL, and in his stereotypical aloof skier voice, read a “letter from a 7 year old boy” after he skied on stage for his monologue. Moseley definitely wasn’t over that 4th place finish, no matter how much his wide smile says he is.

Over the course of the show, Moseley makes fun of extreme sports fans, spouting off “gnarlys” and lots of “brahs” in which he marries Amy Poehler and gets stuck between bickering teens on a ski lift. Moseley is naturally confident and it shows in his performance and the sketches prepared for him.

It’s a funny episode, especially with Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers in the crew as well.

Next: 7. Lance Armstrong