Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert send Trump birthday messages

Late-night hosts Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert send Donald Trump personalized messages in honor of his 70th birthday.

Republican candidate Donald Trump turned 70 on Tuesday, an occasion that was met with sarcastic well wishes from Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert. The Real Time host posted a special web exclusive where he wished the presumptive nominee a “Happy Birther Day,” referring to his unfounded conspiracy theories surrounding the birthplace of President Obama, while Colbert revealed what presents he got Trump during the cold open for Tuesday’s The Late Show.

“You look great! It’s true what they say — orange don’t crack,” Maher began, referencing the “black don’t crack” stereotype.

He went on to say that he hoped that he enjoyed the special day with his wife Melania, daughter Ivanka, and his sons “Dick for Brains” and “F*ckface.” He continued: “And you’re 70 this year. Go for broke… like your casinos.”

While he acknowledged that the real estate mogul has a lot on his mind thanks to his presidential campaign, he offered that he “take some time, just for this one day, to think a little about yourself.”

“People don’t know about your softer side,” he added. “But enough about your penis. But 70 years old, wow! As you enter your sunset years, I want you to know we all take comfort in the fact that you’re entering your sunset years.”

He closed by suggesting that they eat the cake before Chris Christie arrives to the party. “See ya next time you sue me!” Maher concluded, pointing back to the lawsuit Trump filed against the comedian over an orangutan joke in 2013.

Watch the clip below:

Colbert spoke directly to the camera for his birthday message to reveal the contents of a large gift wrapped box he was planning to send Trump, his “close, personal friend.”

“Donald’s turning 70 today, although he doesn’t look a day over… 70’s about right,” he said. “I wanted to give Donald something very special. After all, as a late-night host, he’s given me so much.”

The present included an iTunes gift card, a tiny pair of gloves for the cold winters in Washington that “might be a little big,” and what may or may not be a scented candle in a brown paper bag.

“I don’t want to tell you what the scent is. Let’s just say it’s pungent,” he explained. “Don’t open it. I’ll light it for you and leave it on your doorstep. Just make a wish before you stomp on it.”

Watch the special message here:

Next: Bill Maher's Real Time to cover conventions with live specials

Maher celebrated his own birthday milestone in January when he turned 60, which he marked by asking his fans to sign a petition urging Obama to appear on Real Time for the first time since becoming president. It quickly exceeded the threshold requiring a response from the White House, but was met with a non-committal reply that seemed to indicate that it’s unlikely the Commander-in-Chief will be visiting the show before he leaves office.

Tune into Real Time with Bill Maher Fridays at 10 p.m. on HBO, while The Late Show with Stephen Colbert can be seen weeknights at 11:35 p.m. on CBS.